Showing 13–24 of 133 results
The Fragrance Alchemy website is suspended until further notice. Contact [email protected] for inquiries.
Blend of the Gods
This alchemical oil has been created by The Seer in response to the overwhelming number of reports of aching muscles and joints that are being experienced since the operation of multiple 5G satellites is lowering the body's frequency. This becomes painful when housing an enlightened being's soul. The physical discomfort suffered by the enlightened ones was called in ancient yogic traditions "The Sacred Fire."
Application: A drop on each of the joints
Blue Lagoon
Blue Nile (The Survivor)
This oil is alchemically prepared to instill trust in one’s ability to overcome and faith in one’s being as the source of one’s sustenance. It is a self-empowering fragrance that speaks of confidence in the way the future unfolds.
To be placed on the sacrum (the triangular bone at the base of the spine).
Part of The Front to Back Axis - available in 18 ml / 0.60 oz only.
Blue Skies – Inner Child
This fresh, innocent fragrance is designed to restore the spontaneity and enthusiasm of life. It brings healing to the Inner Child, delivering wholeness to the core of the psyche.
Part of The Harmonious Interaction of the Sub-personalities - The Vertical Axis - available in 18 ml / 0.60 oz only.
Chakra set
Desert Dawn
This fragrant oil has the unique properties of instilling self-confidence and promoting self-sovereignty. It promotes authenticity and enhances the poise of a master. When preparing for a life of High Magic, confidence in the outcome of expressed intention births faith. This fragrance can assist in gathering clear answers from the Rune field of Harasut, especially when used with the blend, Hathor.
Part of The Oils of High Magic - available in 18 ml / 0.60 oz only.
Desert Moon
Diffuser and Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier
Distant Horizons – Inner Adventurer
This blend is designed to stimulate the ability to embrace the unknown and replace the most elementary cause of stagnation: fear of the unknown.
Part of The Harmonious Interaction of the Sub-personalities - The Horizontal Axis - available in 18 ml / 0.60 oz only.
Earth Angels
The Earth has been given nine Guardian Angels to guard her and her children during the times of transition and environmental challenges. The alchemy of the oil created to celebrate this event has been designed to facilitate communication and requests for their assistance.
How to use the alchemical oil:
Place a few drops in the navel, Sign the angelic sigil in the air in front of you while calling the relevant Angel by name. State your request clearly and thank them for their assistance.
Click here to download Earth Angels’ sigils and instructions.
Elixir of the Golden Light – High Mind
This blend facilitates the awakening of Eagle Vision - a vital tool of mastery that allows the objectivity of perspective, necessary for seeing the larger context.
Part of The Harmonious Interaction of the Sub-personalities - The Horizontal Axis - available in 18 ml / 0.60 oz only.