Showing 37–48 of 133 results
The Fragrance Alchemy website is suspended until further notice. Contact [email protected] for inquiries.
Garden of Eden
Glad Expectations
The Seer has blended this alchemical oil for the purpose of restoring glad expectations and hope. This multi-layered fragrance subtly strengthens the immune system and soothes the nervous system for a masterful journey of pose and grace. The barrage of unpleasant news that assails us daily creates a sense of dread.
Apply behind both ears, on the bone - one inch up from the bottom of the earlobe.
God Among Men
Goddess Blend
Like a golden thread through the tapestry of time, legends have been told of the ultimate feminine. In many cultures, the tales of goddess among men have instilled hope and inspired devotion. This feminine blend of floral scents and an uplifting note of black currant and tangerine, is dedicated to the feminine essence.
Goddess of Ecstasy
Goddess Rising
Golden Flower – Inner Nurturer
When the Inner Nurturer is balanced and whole, a deep contentment, and a feeling of being "at home" can be felt. This fragrant blend is designed to heal the pain of alienation so often felt by highly evolved beings in material life.
Part of The Harmonious Interaction of the Sub-personalities - The Vertical Axis - available in 18 ml / 0.60 oz only.
Graceful Release
A high-protein diet requires additional calcium. When the body lacks calcium, it takes it from the bones. As the bones release calcium they also release obsolete memories. As stones hold the memories of the Earth, so do bones hold the memories of a lifetime. Calcium released from the bone acts as a courier to carry the old memories in the bloodstream to the endocrine system for release through the chakras.
This alchemical oil helps to dissolve obsolete memories without the loss of calcium from the bones - a healthful alternative.
Application: Use two fingers to rub oil up both of the shins, from ankle to knee.
Hay-Hu-Ka (Goddess archetype blend 6)
Hay-Hu-Ka Elevating vision to see beyond the illusion of time, it helps dissolve the chains that bind from the past. This releases power to the practitioner to create change by changing within. The alchemy is designed to create change in the large picture thereby releasing available power to manifest the new. It is a powerful aid for manifestation — especially when used in conjunction with affirmations.
Application: Apply a drop or more on the side of the right hip where the thigh joins the hip.
Part of The Goddess Collection - available in 18 ml / 0.60 oz only.