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The Fragrance Alchemy website is suspended until further notice. Contact [email protected] for inquiries.

Realms of Innocence

The purpose of the Alchemy of this oil, is to enhance the capacity of the extra-sensory perceptions that enable self-guidance. Worn on the third eye, it opens the gateway between Outer and Inner space ( know as the Realms of Innocence ). This allows the subtle experiences of Inner space to communicate non-cognitive information that exceeds the limitations of mind. Although its magical properties can be released to the wearer when worn anywhere on the body, its optimal placement is on the 3rd eye.

The Birth of Majesty

A powerful oil blend created for her Lightfamily by the Seer! The Birth of Majesty fragrance oil has been alchemically enhanced to alleviate the transitions experienced as an individual evolves into a multi-dimensional being — a time that can be challenging and bewildering. This blend has been specifically created to assist with night terrors, feelings of disorientation and abandonment as well as depression and lack of self-confidence arising from the loss of familiar reference points. The lack of mental clarity that accompanies the evolutionary shifts is also assisted by the use of this spectacular blend.

The Power of Belvaspata

By popular request, The Seer has created an alchemical oil to enhance the benefits of the sacred healing modality - Belvaspata. The alchemy is designed to restore the Song of the Self, which in turn supports wholeness and strengthens the immune system. This alchemical oil elevates the function of the endocrine system to convey subtle communications through the body. It can be worn anytime. Carry the power of Belvaspata with you by wearing this oil during your daily activities, on a bodily pulse point of your choice. It is to be worn on the body only (not on a fragrance pad necklace, or a lava bracelet, etc.) because the pulse is its energy source. The oil is similarly applied as an anointing prior to Belvaspata initiation by Belvaspata Practitioners. Check the description below for application. This oil is specifically designed for Belvaspata Practitioners (Masters/Grandmasters) to use on their clients or themselves.