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The Fragrance Alchemy website is suspended until further notice. Contact [email protected] for inquiries.
Blue Nile (The Survivor)
This oil is alchemically prepared to instill trust in one’s ability to overcome and faith in one’s being as the source of one’s sustenance. It is a self-empowering fragrance that speaks of confidence in the way the future unfolds.
To be placed on the sacrum (the triangular bone at the base of the spine).
Part of The Front to Back Axis - available in 18 ml / 0.60 oz only.
The Blue Rose (The Shaman)
To the inner shaman, all of life is alive and whispering its silent messages. The mystery of a starlit sky and the moon on a lake permeates this magical fragrance. It challenges the wearer of this oil, to look at life with the eyes of magical discovery — unafraid and confident in the support and guidance of a master’s life.
To be placed behind both knees.
Part of The Front to Back Axis - available in 18 ml / 0.60 oz only.
The Front to Back Axis
The Knight of Jericho (The Disruptor)
This alchemical oil with its rich fragrance, is full of promise that it is possible to rise above the human condition into a life beyond imagining; a life full of masterful cooperation with the changing intent of creation; a fluid journey of power and vision through eternity.
To be placed behind on both balls of the feet (two finger widths below the base of the toes; under the feet).
Part of The Front to Back Axis - available in 18 ml / 0.60 oz only.
The Peaceful Warrior (The Administrator)
The ability to organize and structure change in a graceful way is enhanced by the alchemy of this oil. It embodies the epitome of poise and grace.
Change as a predictable constant in life unfolding, loses its fearful hold on the individual who faces it with the confidence of an intrepid explorer on an unknown adventure.
To be placed on both wrists (a finger width above the joint of the hand and wrist).
Part of The Front to Back Axis - available in 18 ml / 0.60 oz only.