Showing 1–12 of 15 results

Alchemist’s Oracle Oil

This oil with its deep and multilayered nuances can be used by men and women. Its purpose is to awaken the abilities in the body that receive subtle information. It also has been alchemically designed to facilitate the ability of Rune Masters to manifest this subtle guidance through the language of the Runes. Apply on the point between the eyebrows, but one finger width higher


This alchemical oil has been created by The Seer in response to the overwhelming number of reports of aching muscles and joints that are being experienced since the operation of multiple 5G satellites is lowering the body's frequency. This becomes painful when housing an enlightened being's soul. The physical discomfort suffered by the enlightened ones was called in ancient yogic traditions "The Sacred Fire." Application: A drop on each of the joints

Forever New

Sourced from selected countries, this markable blend consists of oils and spices traditionally used to promote youthfulness and restore vitality. The youth-promoting properties of its ingredients, are overshadowed by the alluring fragrance loved by both men and women. It's dominant note of champaka oil from China, mingles with Arabian musk, Hawaiian pikake and exotic spices.

Glad Expectations

The Seer has blended this alchemical oil for the purpose of restoring glad expectations and hope. This multi-layered fragrance subtly strengthens the immune system and soothes the nervous system for a masterful journey of pose and grace. The barrage of unpleasant news that assails us daily creates a sense of dread. Apply behind both ears, on the bone - one inch up from the bottom of the earlobe.

Graceful Release

A high-protein diet requires additional calcium. When the body lacks calcium, it takes it from the bones. As the bones release calcium they also release obsolete memories. As stones hold the memories of the Earth, so do bones hold the memories of a lifetime. Calcium released from the bone acts as a courier to carry the old memories in the bloodstream to the endocrine system for release through the chakras. This alchemical oil helps to dissolve obsolete memories without the loss of calcium from the bones - a healthful alternative. Application: Use two fingers to rub oil up both of the shins, from ankle to knee.

Holy Sanctuary

Enveloping the wearer with its uplifting fresh fragrance, this oil has been designed to lift the mood with its fresh fruity fragrance, enhanced by spices and a subtle floral note to give it depth. This oil is particularly suitable for using as an environmental fragrance in a water room diffuser. In addition, the Holy Sanctuary oil is a perfect complement to the Flight of the Mystic oil. Together they create the sacred space that makes living as a god amongst men less abrasive and more graceful. Click here to order a water room diffuser or contact Egyptian Fragrance Alchemy by e-mail: [email protected] or phone: +1-541-867-3322

Interdimensional Haaraknit Unified Field

The Haaraknit chakra is unlike all other chakras. Located in the navel, it is an interdimensional portal through which to access the Haaraknit (the place of no time and space). This oil facilitates the opening of the portal, in order to access the etheric ability to remove illusion. Application: Apply on the back directly behind the navel at the midriff where one’s belt would be.

Refined Light

Refined Light. A limited edition oil for the holiday season. This subtle and exquisite alchemical oil has to be experienced to be understood. It is a limited-edition oil that has been produced in a miraculous way. A Christmas Special offer! While supplies last! We will start shipping this oil after January 2nd.

Sacred Space Alchemical Oil for EMF Protection

The Sacred Space oil works in conjunction with the Sacred Space bathsalts to clear and combat the detrimental effects of the hostile electromagnetic (EMF) waveforms we are continuously being bombarded with from cell towers, cellphones and numerous other sources. This unisex fragrance has the therapeutic effect described by Dr James Cotrell as “helping the immune system to regulate its vitality .. and to refresh to patterns in the brain“ (The Complete New Age Health Guide). The Sacred Space bath salts support the function of the oil by clearing the memory of the distorting pollution from the atomic magnetic field generated by the electrons.


Placed in the area of the navel, this alchemical oil brings the warmth of a feeling of completion that is experienced by a fetus in the womb. Surrounded by a supportive cocoon within its mother’s body, the baby experiences the wholeness and love of life ushering in a new beginning. In those moments the baby experiences itself as a priceless gift of hope to the world. The alchemy of this oil surrounds the user with a cocoon of self-love.


This optimistic fragrant alchemical oil, has been called by some “liquid sunshine". Place it in the middle of the two scapulae; in the center of your two shoulder blades. It has been alchemically formulated to instill the self-trust that reminds you “my being is my sustenance”. It is a reminder that even if the worst of your fears may manifest, the loving arms of the Infinite will lift you up and over your hardships as long as you trust the guidance of the still voice within.

The Power of Belvaspata

By popular request, The Seer has created an alchemical oil to enhance the benefits of the sacred healing modality - Belvaspata. The alchemy is designed to restore the Song of the Self, which in turn supports wholeness and strengthens the immune system. This alchemical oil elevates the function of the endocrine system to convey subtle communications through the body. It can be worn anytime. Carry the power of Belvaspata with you by wearing this oil during your daily activities, on a bodily pulse point of your choice. It is to be worn on the body only (not on a fragrance pad necklace, or a lava bracelet, etc.) because the pulse is its energy source. The oil is similarly applied as an anointing prior to Belvaspata initiation by Belvaspata Practitioners. Check the description below for application. This oil is specifically designed for Belvaspata Practitioners (Masters/Grandmasters) to use on their clients or themselves.