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The Harmonious Interaction of the Sub-personalities – The Vertical Axis

This set contains the following four oils:
  • Blue Skies – Inner Child
  • Golden Flower – Inner Nurturer
  • Fountain of Life – Inner Sage
  • Liquid Gem – Inner Warrior

The Harmonious Interaction of the Sub-personalities – The Horizontal Axis

This set contains the following four oils:
  • Elixir of the Golden Light - High Mind
  • Distant Horizons - Inner Adventurer
  • Song of the Dove - Inner Babe
  • The Dance in the Moonlight - Wild Woman

The Dance in the Moonlight – Wild Woman

The alchemy in this blend, allows the stimulating presence of Wild Woman as a constant companion on our journey of mastery... When repressed, its expression becomes extreme and reactionary. Part of The Harmonious Interaction of the Sub-personalities - The Horizontal Axis - available in 18 ml / 0.60 oz only.

Song of the Dove – Inner Babe

This blend stimulates the return to wholeness by encouraging a deeper connection to the core of the psyche: the Inner Babe. Part of The Harmonious Interaction of the Sub-personalities - The Horizontal Axis - available in 18 ml / 0.60 oz only.

Elixir of the Golden Light – High Mind

This blend facilitates the awakening of Eagle Vision - a vital tool of mastery that allows the objectivity of perspective, necessary for seeing the larger context. Part of The Harmonious Interaction of the Sub-personalities - The Horizontal Axis - available in 18 ml / 0.60 oz only.

Distant Horizons – Inner Adventurer

This blend is designed to stimulate the ability to embrace the unknown and replace the most elementary cause of stagnation: fear of the unknown. Part of The Harmonious Interaction of the Sub-personalities - The Horizontal Axis - available in 18 ml / 0.60 oz only.

Fountain of Life – Inner Sage

It is through heightening the sensitivity of the Inner Sage to the voice of inspiration, that our ways become self-guided. Part of The Harmonious Interaction of the Sub-personalities - The Vertical Axis - available in 18 ml / 0.60 oz only.

Golden Flower – Inner Nurturer

When the Inner Nurturer is balanced and whole, a deep contentment, and a feeling of being "at home" can be felt. This fragrant blend is designed to heal the pain of alienation so often felt by highly evolved beings in material life. Part of The Harmonious Interaction of the Sub-personalities - The Vertical Axis - available in 18 ml / 0.60 oz only.

Liquid Gem – Inner Warrior

The war-like tendencies of Homo sapiens, has no place in the life of a resurrected master. Masterful authenticity replaces aggression as the Inner Warrior evolves to a higher level. Part of The Harmonious Interaction of the Sub-personalities - The Vertical Axis - available in 18 ml / 0.60 oz only.

Blue Skies – Inner Child

This fresh, innocent fragrance is designed to restore the spontaneity and enthusiasm of life. It brings healing to the Inner Child, delivering wholeness to the core of the psyche. Part of The Harmonious Interaction of the Sub-personalities - The Vertical Axis - available in 18 ml / 0.60 oz only.